Doerthe Braun is a recognized mentor at the association of Iyengar-Yoga-Switzerland and will be offering a three-year mentorship program from August 18, 2023 in cooperation with Dr. Kerstin Khattab (certified teacher for Iyengar-Yoga Level 3).
How do you become an Iyengar teacher?
The route to becoming an Iyengar yoga teacher is a mentorship program. The training to become an Iyengar yoga teacher takes 3 years and offers a comprehensive study of yoga and provides the groundwork to become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher.
Where and when does the teacher training take place?
The training days will be on Fridays once a month and will take place in Pfäffikon/SZ (Switzerland). Additional sessions on Fridays in anatomy and philosophy can be taken online or in person in Pfäffikon. In addition, the mentee will participate in a weekly Advanced Class and assist in Beginners Classes at Yogacity in Zurich.
Teachers and experienced students can participate as guests at the Friday trainings.
The language will be German, and if needed, translation into English is possible.
For further information, please contact me at info@pathofyoga.net.
- Multiple DatesSat, Feb 08ZOOM and in person Yogacity ZürichOpen to all students in a mentorship program and certified level 1 Iyengar Yoga teachers, who want to go up for assessment as well as for those who simply want to increase their understanding of the asanas of the level 1 and 2 syllabus and to deepen their own Yoga practice.
- Multiple DatesTue, Feb 18ZoomIn this class, teachers and teachers-in-training practice teaching asanas and pranayama according to the Iyengar Yoga method.
- Multiple DatesTue, Mar 04ZoomIn this class, teachers and teachers-in-training practice teaching asanas and pranayama according to the Iyengar Yoga method.
- Multiple DatesSat, May 10ZOOM and in person Yogacity ZürichOpen to all students in a mentorship program and certified level 1 Iyengar Yoga teachers, who want to go up for assessment as well as for those who simply want to increase their understanding of the asanas of the level 1 and 2 syllabus and to deepen their own Yoga practice.
- Fri, Jun 27WinterthurWith Senior Teachers Dörthe Braun and Jessica Becker in Winterthur/Switzerland